Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Great Ride.

It's difficult to explain what makes riding a motorcycle so attractive.

You could use cliched terms and phrases like "freedom" and "the wind in your face" but they don't tell the whole story.  In fact, they really don't say anything about riding a motorcycle. 

It's a completely different experience than driving or riding in a car.  In a car, you are just a viewer.  You can turn up the heat when it's cold or turn up the A/C went it's hot.  The world is passing you by as you drive, isolated in a metal cocoon. 

Driving is almost like watching television.  You can see the world but you can't interact with it. 

When you are on a motorcycle, you are thrust into the world around you. 

When it's cold, so are you.  When it's hot, so are you.  When it rains, you get wet.

You also get to see and experience so much more on a motorcycle.  You can see the road surface around you.  You get a better and clearer view of the road ahead, as well.  Another plus is the completely unobstructed view of the world around you that riding grants you.  There aren't any windshield pillars to block your view; no roof to block the view above.

You are not just watching the world pass by your windows.  You are actually in the world around you.

I don't want to sound like one of those people who views riding a motorcycle as a religious experience of some sort.  Search around and you will find plenty of long-winded speeches about "biker lifestyles" and "staying true", whatever that means.  It all sounds way too corny to me.

Simply put, a motorcycle is a simple and fun mode of transportation.  It's as elemetal as motorized transport can get.  It also happens to be very fun.

And I think that's what I'm trying to say: motorcycling is just plain fun. 

That's what makes it great.

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